Colouring Book of Manchester
I turned a few of my photos from my home city of Manchester into a colouring book to help raise funds for a local Manchester Charity
You can make a big difference
For £10, you get
✅ A unique Colouring Book of Manchester (Digital download PDF)
✅ Help a local Manchester Charity, We Love Mcr Charity
✅ To improve the lives & life chances of people & communities in Manchester
✅ 50% of every sale is donated to We Love Mcr Charity
✅ Great gifts for adults & kids & help with mindfulness
We Love Mcr Charity, @Mcr_Charity
Download a copy
#ColourInForGood 🖍 #ColourInMcr 🐝
What others are saying
Northern Power Women, @NorthPowerWomen
Adam Mitcheson, @AdamMitcheson
Carl Austin-Behan OBE, @CarlAustinBehan
Where did this idea come from?
It all started in my home city of Manchester in the UK when we had our lockdown due to COVID-19. I wanted to support a local charity in my city and I came up with the idea to turn my photos of Manchester into a colouring book and it really took off
Where does the other 50% go?
My dream is to create #ColourInForGood colouring books. Where every colouring book I make. I will partner with a local charity or local institution to raise funds for them. And help people practice mindfulness through colouring in a city they love.
The other 50% goes into trying to make this into a viable and sustainable project for good
What other Colouring Books have you done?
You'll get a PDF Colouring Book